亚洲博彩平台排名的多样性,公平性 & 包含声明

Ovid 博彩平台排名 and the Disciples of Christ members who wanted a university away from the “pernicious influences of slavery” chartered 亚洲博彩平台排名 as North Western Christian University (NWCU) in 1850. 以多元化的价值观为基础, 包容和平等, NWCU成立于1855年,招收女性和有色人种与白人男性平等, 在当时哪种立场是激进的. 今天,博彩平台排名继续努力创造一个不分种族都能茁壮成长的社区, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性别认同, 性取向, 能力, 经济手段, 婚姻或父母状况, 或者政治派别.

博彩平台排名在亚洲博彩平台排名的使命体现了博彩平台排名渴望维护当前和未来几代学习者, 教育工作者, 和领导人. 作为一个学术机构,博彩平台排名有一个永恒的责任,那就是不断面对博彩平台排名自己的真相, eradicate injustices and enact change on campus and in our communities by working to cultivate a campus community that is an intentionally diverse, 包容, 以及公平的学习和工作环境. 博彩平台排名对社会正义的基本承诺, 跨文化发展, 共同的责任是实现博彩平台排名的使命和努力成为一个多元化的大学的路标, 公平包容的大学,每个人都受到重视, 启发, 受人尊敬的, 能够蓬勃发展.



博彩平台排名明白,要实现博彩平台排名的使命,广泛教育和准备所有的学习者过有意义的生活, 博彩平台排名首先需要解决高等教育不平等的问题. Our efforts to build a diverse and 包容 campus community to which everyone can belong and matter is based on a firm understanding of the structural roots of exclusion and harm that continues to impact underserved communities in our society today. 创建协作, 因此,在博彩平台排名刺激的学习环境要求博彩平台排名的中心社会正义,使学生, 教职员工享有平等的权利和获得机会和资源的机会, 公平地分担负担和责任.

A key pillar of social justice is anti-racism: our approach at 博彩平台排名 is based on the understanding that color-blind racism, 以及相互交织的基于身份的歧视和不利制度, 继续使不平等永久化, 并认为博彩平台排名校园社区的每个成员都对积极的变化负有个人责任. 博彩平台排名促进公平和学术卓越的工作总是对历史上的启示时刻作出反应, 并且建立在承认持续存在的社会不公正的前沿研究之上, 以及以证据为基础的做法,提高边缘化群体的声音.
博彩平台排名对无形的边缘化形式也很敏感, 也能适应第一代的需求, 高经济需求, 以及博彩平台排名学校的通勤学生. We value student perspectives because we are aware that we need multiple generational lenses to better understand how to live our ideals of 股本 and academic excellence. 重要的是, 博彩平台排名理解社会正义是全球性的,因为, 作为一个移民国家, 博彩平台排名与当今世界的接触不仅影响着博彩平台排名学生的生活经历, 教职员工, 还有全球社会.

亚洲博彩平台排名’s vision of 包容 excellence is based on a commitment to help all members of our campus community develop the capacity to interrupt exclusionary, 人际关系中的不公平行为, 制度和结构层面在这个社会内外, 通过在整个大学有计划的规划.


当博彩平台排名选择爱的时候,博彩平台排名选择对抗恐惧,对抗疏远和分离. 选择爱就是选择联系,选择在对方身上找到自己.”

博彩平台排名明白,博彩平台排名的使命是创造和培育一种协作, 激发智力的学习环境需要所有学生之间相互尊重和友善的气氛, 教师, 员工来自不同的背景和身份. 这 means that we are committed to upskilling efforts that create a strong sense of belonging and eng年龄ment in our campus community.

博彩平台排名, we are committed to culturally responsive pedagogies that enable us to offer students from diverse backgrounds and identities 教育al opportunities that affirm the value of their lived experiences and knowledge, 并在博彩平台排名对学业成功的定义中接纳它们. 博彩平台排名提供的课程反映了对博彩平台排名理解世界的不同方式的真正尊重, 并要求博彩平台排名的学生为所有生物寻求公平和可持续的解决方案.

为了建立信任和韧性,博彩平台排名的校园社区需要抵御挑战的时刻, 博彩平台排名也致力于在博彩平台排名的教师中发展强大的跨文化技能, 教职员及学生. 在博彩平台排名, we understand that intercultural skills are grounded in an awareness of implicit biases that influence the way we relate to others unlike ourselves. 博彩平台排名进一步承认,如果毫无疑问, the cultural norms and values of dominant or privileged identities within an institution decide the question of who does or does not belong. 在一起, these are foundational understandings that underlie the practice of empathetic listening across differences within and beyond the classroom.
博彩平台排名也努力在学生中培养谦逊的文化, 教职员工,这样博彩平台排名就可以利用多元化社区的好处. 在博彩平台排名, 博彩平台排名强调互动的多样性,并鼓励博彩平台排名社区的所有成员对他人有真正的好奇心, 审视和反思自己信仰的情感韧性, 并重视与博彩平台排名自己不同的观点. We understand that 跨文化发展 is also foundational to our 能力 to enrich communities and prepare all learners to lead meaningful lives as global citizens.

亚洲博彩平台排名’s vision of 包容 excellence is based on a commitment to help all members of our campus community increase capacity in the area of intercultural

亚洲博彩平台排名’s ideals of 股本 and academic excellence compels us to recognize that we have our shared responsibility for one another’s well-being. 博彩平台排名通过不断建立和维护机构问责制和开放沟通的文化来表达这一点. We invest in 股本 by our commitment to a system of account能力 that allows us to surface and boldly address issues of in股本. We are committed to communicating openly with one another in order to work towards 股本-minded policies and practices that are responsive to the needs of each and every member of the 博彩平台排名 community.

We also believe that a strong 文化 of shared responsibility helps to attract and retain the best talent from diverse identities and backgrounds and to foster trust in our community. We understand that institutional and personal account能力 are foundational to building strong and lasting bonds of loyalty to our institution. 这, 反过来, 让博彩平台排名创造和培养一种协作, 刺激智力学习的环境, 大胆创新, 广泛的教育, 丰富博彩平台排名所服务的社区.

亚洲博彩平台排名 is also committed to helping every individual in our campus community develop a keen sense of 股本-mindedness, 不管他们的背景和身份. We understand that each individual’s 能力 to identify patterns of in股本 and critically assess exclusionary policies and practices rooted in the history of American higher 教育, 本着持续改进的精神,帮助挑战这些政策和做法.

亚洲博彩平台排名’s efforts to advance 股本 is based on a commitment to strengthen institutional account能力 and a 文化 of open communication at the university, 学院和院系/项目级别, 并帮助博彩平台排名社区的所有成员通过有计划的计划来提高公平意识.

  1. Colorblind racism is based on the racial ideology of colorblindness that dismisses the lived experiences of people of color, 并鼓励个人从种族和种族主义的对话中脱离出来, 从而让社会忽略了长期存在的结构性和系统性种族主义.
  2. 不同于代表性或构图的多样性, interactional diversity is a process-focused concept of institutional diversification that stresses the importance of creating opportunities and spaces for inter-group interaction as a means to address implicit bias and improve individual attitudes toward members of outgroups.


当博彩平台排名讨论多样性的关键方面时, 股本, 和包容(DEI), 博彩平台排名开发一个通用的概念和术语词汇表是很重要的. 认识到这些重要的术语有各种各样的解释和含义, 博彩平台排名提供这些作为起点. 一个共同的语言将有助于指导博彩平台排名的整体努力,以确保多样化, 公平包容的校园环境. 这些定义是根据现有定义和/或通过校园过程起草的. 这不是一个详尽的清单. 该库还维护了几个DE的libguide&我的资源.